ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


The 68th Royals


The 68th Royals are a fan faction created by HaasWerks, a local artist and miniature war gamer.  I had the pleasure of taking these miniatures under my brush to add a bit of flare and highlights to them.  I hope that their owner is pleased with my end result even though I do not believe my highlights came out exactly as I would have liked.  It’s a hard thing to do when you did not put down the base coats yourself.  Color matching is a tricky business.

The picture above is the old 68th Royals as I received them.  Below are the improved paint jobs.




The additional (and subtle) highlights are a mix of Liche Purple and Bone White. I added a bit of extra Blood Red highlights as well.  The cockpits are done in a fade of Stormy Blue to Magic Blue to Electric Blue with the usual white dots in the right places.

I have at least one more item from HassWerks that I plan on showing soon.  All I’m saying for now is that HaasWerks is also an excellent sculptor.  Stay tuned!

Posted under Minis

  1. Adam Isherwood Said,

    Looking good dude – makes me want to buy more mechs to paint!

  2. Joe Said,

    Nice job …. the new colors are great. The previous was not bad but not very good for “cover” on the battlefield.
