ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


GenCon 2008 Day 3

The Camo Specs diarama was updated.  Here are a few shots.  Once again, I’ll be updating this post in the future after I get back from GenCon.  I would have gotten this up sooner if the hotel internet did not go down again.

New Artwork from the Q and A

More on this later, but I just have to share.

The Battle for Gabriel

The Ruins of Gabriel, a long-sought ‘holy grail’ of Chandrasekhar Kurita, has been located.  Can it be claimed?  Join Chandy’s coalition aerospace forces in assaulting the fabled space yard or the side of the Blakist defenders as they fight desperately to keep the Heretics away!

On Saturday, twelve CBT players put their Battlemechs aside and took control of fighter squadrons, dropships, and warships.

As a special treat, Wierdo and Joel had an advance copy of the Strategic Operations advanced aerospace rules.  There is a lot of great stuff in the new rules.  In particular, fighters get rebalanced and capital ships get a few new options to play with.

Due to a few delays in setting up, the game started late.  The players took extra time at the end of the night but were not able to finish the game completely.  Here are the pictures.

In the end, neither side had enough time to make their objectives.  Each side had achieved one each, the one involving certain units surviving.  The coalition held the egde in total damage delivered with one warship kill and a few dropships.

Altogether a very good game.  It was a pleasure to be able to play the advanced rules well before Strategic Ops sees the light of day.

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