ScrapYard Armory

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Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Solaris Skunk Werks 0.6.30 Released

And with it we now have BattleForce record sheets! Get it here.


This is a moment I have been waiting a long time for.  Many thanks go to Catalyst Demo Agent “SkyHigh” for making this recent addition possible.

BattleForce and QuickStrike Made Easy

With easy access to BattleForce record sheets, the gates have been opened to put Strategic Operations to full use.  BattleForce is only the tip of the iceberg.  QuickStrike is a great way to make use of the new record sheets.  You can play fast paced skirmishes or epic regimental slug-fests with relatively minimal setup.  At least you won’t have to fill out countless sheets by hand or bother with the very complicated BattleForce conversion.

BattleTech Force BalancerBattleTechForceBalancer

An easy way for you to manage your lances/stars is by using the BattleTech Force Balancer.  Get it for free via SourceForge.  You can setup your lances to make the best use of your BattleMechs movement modes.  Another terrific fan produced program.

A great day for BattleTech.  Now get those games running!

Posted under News

GenCon 2009 Day 4 and Wrap Up

GenCon2009boothmisc1After a very late night of gaming, it was time to collect up our swag and head home.  Four days of gaming behind us, here is a recap of the best.

Catalyst Demo Agents

Even at 10:30 in the morning on Sunday, there were two slightly overfilled Grinders and three full tables of QuickStart Demos running.  BattleTech owned the Wabash gaming room on Sunday.  It is great to see BattleTech being played even that early in the morning.

All in all, the Demo Agents running games all weekend did a fabulous job in keeping the games moving and representing BattleTech to the convention crowd.  While I think some events need some tweaking (like the Solaris Melee), other changes have been great (moving the Open Tournament to one slot and resuming the awarding of Bloodnames).

A heartfelt thanks to all the Demo Agents on hand.  You help make the game tick and your efforts are greatly appreciated!

CSO Diorama

I know people have been screaming for more pictures and closeups of the Diorama that I have not already posted.  Here are some of the best shots I made throughout the convention.

3025 – Raid of Sian


3052 – Luthien




3075 – Stone’s Laments WoB POW Camp Raid



Favorite Moment

On the last turn of the Masters game, I walked my 13-C Longbow towards the approaching horde of TSM ‘Mechs owned by Tara “Yes his Wife” Bills.  My Longbow took alpha strikes from a Berzerker, Ti’Tsang, and an Axeman (including a LB-20X cluster hit) and survived.  Not only that, but I sent 42 SRMs towards the Berzerker.  24 hit the target scoring engine and gyro criticals before a friendly MadCat A took it down.

I already can’t wait for next year.  While this year did not have that killer product unvieling, the Battle the Master’s game was a great way to show that the authors and owners of the game we love are not only accessible but also really great guys.

Posted under News

GenCon 2009 Day 3

Saturday is always a great day at GenCon.  Lots to see and do.  Lets get right into the action and report on what happened.

Solaris Melee Challenge

I had an amazing day in the arenas.  I managed to successfully hit on a Death from Above as well as rack up the chips from head shots, critical hits and even a solo kill before going down in a blaze of glory.  Alas I ended up placing 9th and did not make the top 8 cut for the finals.GenCon2009solaris1

My good friend and ScrapYard editor “SaxyWolf” made it to 4th to make it to the finals and after several hours of intense competition in his Shadow Hawk, he was the 3rd one to be destroyed.  Not bad for a first time GenCon attendee.

The winner was piloting an Imp C (clan variant) and used a significant quantity of Edge to secure victory.  I enjoyed the changes made this year and I hope they make the updated rules available for download soon.  Not everything is perfect but the Demo Agents work their butts off to make it enjoyable for everyone.

Canon Event Update

In the continuation of yesterdays battles, the Word of Blake was on the defensive and were pressed back to their dropships.  The chasing Ghost Bears made a valiant charge but where unable to bring them down.  All Word dropships managed to lift off but with little in the way of firepower on board.

The last events of the day had the Ghost Bears beating up on the remaining Wobbies left behind on planet.

CamoSpecs Sweeps Machines of War Category

The Camo Specs team made an impressive showing in the miniatures painting contest, bringing home First, Second, and Third in the Machines of War category.  Here is the full list of BattleTech awardees and an additional miniature that I missed in yesterdays report.

  • Machines of War 1st – Christopher Dolega, Rifleman
  • Machines of War 2nd – Mark Maestas, Anubis
  • Machines of War 3rd – Ross Hines, 1st Ghost Marauder
  • Units – Stephen D’Amato Sr. – Eridani Light Horse

Well done by all.  Very good to see Iron Wind Metals making a splash in the painting contest.  I’ll be picking up my ‘Mech Sunday (I didn’t win anything, but I’m not surprised) and will post some pictures after the convention.


Painting Classes and Miniatures

Speaking of painting, I did my best to learn a few tricks at the convention.  I took another painting class which I enjoyed thoroughly and will certainly try out some of the techniques I learned.

To give myself a little practice, I picked up a healthy lot of sci-fi 28mm figures from the Reaper Chronoscope line that I believe will work really well for the RPG game.  I am very interested in trying out the Quick Start RPG rules in a tactical combat situation.  Stay tuned in the future for more.

Battle the Masters Event

The final event of the day was a massive battle pitting the masters of the BattleTech universe against the poor lowly battleTech gamers who buy all the stuff they write.

Each player, of which there were 20, were to chose any tournament legal chassis to play with.  The Masters each picked ‘Mechs between themselves until their force was 21 ‘Mechs strong.  The pilot’s skill for each ‘Mech was based on weight class.  4/5 for Assaults, with improving skill by 1/1 down to lights at 1/2.

I plan a full report on the event in short order but it is just too late (early) to do the game justice right now.  For now, only a few pictures until I have time to write up a full report.


The PodsGenCon2009pods2GenCon2009pods1

After the Masters game I shuffled my way over to the BattleTech pods only to find a two-plus hour waiting list to get into a mission.  By the way, it was past 2AM at that point.  Needless to say, I had no plans of being awake at that hour.  I am surprised but pleased that there was so much interest in the Pods.  Obviously the more exposure the better for BattleTech.  A very good sign for the franchise.

Many Demos and More

No Con is great without a healthy dose of demos.  It is always good to see what’s out there and what the next big hit might be.  Even if you may not want to play it in the end, it is refreshing to learn something new and open your gaming horizons or just get a different perspective.

  • Exillis – A hybrid computer and miniatures game without a rule book (the computer tracks everything for you).
  • Rezolution – Sci-fi tactical combat system that plays fast and has a unique artistic flair.
  • Arcane Legions – Miniature wargaming for dummies.  Fast play, collectible, and a system that removes operator error from movement.



Posted under News

GenCon 2009 Day 1

Day 1 is in the books and I kept myself quite busy, barely allowing myself time to eat.  Eating (and now sleeping) are for the weak of course.  So many games to play, so little time.

Solaris Melee Challenge

GenCon2009Solaris 1GenCon2009Solaris 2I spent the morning taking on all comers in the arenas of Solaris.  The fighting was unusually fierce for a free for all.  The entire group of players ended up in a shifting, but concentrated area of the giant map.  I attribute the extra carnage to the unique scoring system and game changes.  If you are not in the mix you are not going to be getting any fame or fortune.

Kudos to the many Demo Agents running the event.  The use of poker chips was an excellent addition as well as the random game changes (game play randomly changed from normal, ranged only, and physical only).

Oddly the first ‘Mech to die was a hapless UrbanMech whose brave pilot wouldn’t let his ‘Mech stay down and managed plenty of mayhem before being ganged up on and slaughtered.

Camo Specs Diorama

The diorama this year took an interesting turn.  Instead of the usual placement inside the dealer room with the rest of the Catalyst fanfare and official swag, it was placed inside the gaming area.  A Camo Specs artist alluded to the recent unseen news as a possible reason for the change in location.

There are three battles depicted this year; one in each of the pivotal eras of the game.  The Succession Wars, the Clan Invasion, and the most recent Word of Blake Jihad are all marvelously represented.  The Camo Specs team have really outdone themselves.  Pictures of course speak for themselves.




Notable Sightings

The usual suspects were on hand to meet and greet at the Catalyst booth.  I got to shake hands with Randall and Herb and managed to get my ripped apart couple of pages from last years Blake Documents signed.  I plan on filling up those pages as much as I can in tomorrow’s BattleTech seminar.

GenCon2009Booth 2GenCon2009Booth 3GenCon2009Booth 4GenCon2009Booth 5

The Canon Events

There were two canon events and while I did not play in either, I did snap a few pictures.  Word of Blake was a fixture in each event with the Draconis Combine and Ghost Bears as opposing forces.  Both battles were played on the same planet, supposedly a District Capital within the Draconis Combine.  No doubt a counter-invasion on the part of the Combine and a general opportunistic smack down by the Bears.

I did not get a full report so I must defer to any other gamers who had the gaming fortitude to play so massive a game.

GenCon2009Canon 2GenCon2009Canon 3GenCon2009Canon 4GenCon2009Canon 1

GenCon2009Canon 5GenCon2009Canon 6

Other Games and Interesting Tid-Bits

No convention is complete without a healthy smattering of demo games and the occasional Con Girl.  I got a chance to play some interesting games including WarGods of Aegyptus, Malifaux, and Leviations.  Lots of great stuff.  I’m devoting a better part of my day on Friday to make the rounds proper and get my absolute fill of demos and gaming swag.



Posted under News

GenCon 2009 Day 1 Preliminary Update

Preliminary Update with Pictures of the Diorama – Full update likely in the AM on Friday

Last Import - 001

Last Import - 003

Last Import - 002

Last Import - 004

Posted under News

IWM Sponsors Manufacturer Award at GenCon 2009

Big news for miniature lovers within the BattleTech faithful.  Iron Wind Metals for the first time will be sponsoring a BattleTech Miniature Painting Contest at GenCon this year.  Special prizes will be given to first through third best miniatures.

This Makes Sense on So Many Levels

B1B-AwardHow so?  In the machines of war category last year, the top two spots were taken by CamoSpecs artist B1BFlyer.  That was an impressive feat at such a prestigious convention.  It makes so much sense for Iron Wind Metals to step up to the plate in terms of recognition and stature by making this contest happen.  We all know that the CamoSpecs artists and others are fabulous painters.  The sculpts produced by IWM are (often) great and in the hands of a skilled painter, BattleTech can not only stand toe to toe with the big boys, but damn near sweep the podium.

Who’s In?

I’m already looking through my collection of blisters for the perfect sculpt to put under the brush in time for the Con.  I don’t have high hopes for placing, but that doesn’t matter.  It’s all about getting out there and being in front of the masses.  BattleTech deserves to be among the very best in Sci-Fi war games in all categories,  miniatures and painting included.

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BattleTech Unseen Miniatures, The When and How

unseen_marauderIf you have been living under a rock for the last few months, you may be surprised to hear that Catalyst Game Labs secured the authority they needed to use all of the old unseen artwork in future publications.  We have already seen some old and new material coming together on CamoSpecs and the new 25 Years of Art and Fiction coffee table book.

But what about the miniatures?

Any self respecting BattleTech player would love to get their hands on a few of their favorite pieces at reasonable prices (eBay be damned!).  At Historicon this year I had the opportunity to ask Jim Fox what the situation was.

The quick and dirty answer is…  If Iron Wind had been given a clear Green Light from the property holders, we would be already playing with shiny new recently cast Unseens.  They are insanely excited about the prospect of getting these miniatures into player’s hands.

The bombshell that Catalyst dropped was apparently a big surprise to Iron Wind as well as the fans.  They started a dialog with Catalyst asking what the deal was and the answer they received was a nebulous, “We don’t know, but here is an email address you can get a real answer from.”

For the moment, Iron Wind is in limbo waiting to receive a clear legal go-ahead before revving up the spin-casters.  They wanted to get things ready and done before Origins and would love to do something for GenCon this year.  However it is out of their hands until someone gives that ever elusive thumbs up.

When it does happen, Iron Wind has some big plans for a new line devoted to the Unseens.

  • Original sculpts as we remember them available for all
  • Resculpts of deserving miniatures with some slight scale corrections (not a priority) but an emphasis on new dynamic poses and variants

It is refreshing to talk to the Iron Wind guys.  They are just oozing excitement over the possibility of Unseen miniatures and the renassaince of the game line.

Posted under News

Historicon 2009

This was the final year for Historicon in Lancaster Pa.  Next year, the convention will make a big move into bigger (and hopefully much better) digs in Baltimore MD.  While we’ve had a lot of good times here in Lancaster, I am personally looking forward to the change.  Baltimore will end up allowing Historicon to take on a much more national image.  The convention is clearly outgrowing its current home.

Demo Agent “Speck” was on hand once again with an impressive array of games, grinders, and boot camps to celebrate the 25th Battletech Anniversary.  There were literally several hundred people who came by and played a game or two.  Speck is a testament to what a great Catalyst Demo Agent should be.  Give me one-hundred “Speck”s made of lead, and I’d rule the world.

Happy Birthday BattleTech.  Lets Give Stuff Away!

25 years is quite a feat for any game in this business.  What better way to celebrate than by giving away lots of free stuff.  Raffle tickets were handed out during events for participation and kills with some fantastic prizes on the line.

IronWindMetals was offering 10% off coupons the entire event for all things BattleTech.  As I do every year I added more than a few miniatures to my collection, including one of the new LE Hatchetman.  The best part of IWM at a convention though is the bins of microfighters and battle armor.  Imagine ala carte battle armor with no shipping.  I picked up a few of at least half a dozen BA models including many that are online exclusives.

“Speck” also had some amazing CamoSpecs painted miniatures up for grabs.  Pictures are the only way I know how to do them justice.

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Historicon 2009 - 42Historicon 2009 - 48

Games, Games, and More Games

Historicon 2009 - 53I was on hand Saturday for two games, The Battle for Galatea (Jihad Era) and Trapped on York (FedCom Civil War).  Expect to see some great after action reports on these battles in the very near future.

The Grinder was as always very well attended as a new generation learns to pilot their first Battlemech.  This year was the retiring of the Mechwarrior scale Grinder figures and the introduction of more than two battalions of Batlemechs from Iron Wind.  Resident paint slingers extraordinaire Dave Yingling and Scott Davis painted each and every one and they looked awesome (I’m kicking myself for not taking a few pictures of the lot).

There also were a lot of traditional historical games played during the con (not that I played any).  Some of them looked absolutely spectacular.  I snapped a few quick pictures of some of the best and brightest.

Historicon Other Games - 1Historicon Other Games - 2Historicon Other Games - 3

Historicon Other Games - 4Historicon Other Games - 5Historicon Other Games - 6

Special Thanks

Every convention has it’s special moments.  I’d like to thank a few individuals for their efforts to make this con awesome.

  • “Speck” for pulling it all together and hosting another great convention.
  • Skip for sharing some of his homemade brew.  Very tasty.
  • Steve from Time Machine Hobby for helping to spring the Trap on York and kill some Davions.  I hope you enjoyed the game and get a chance to include some Battletech products and games at  your venue in Conneticut.
  • Richard for his help in bringing down the Kraken in the Grand Melee.  Is it wrong for a Locust and an UrbanMech to team up to do 20 damage to an assault ‘Mech to force a pilot roll it is sure to fail?  I think not.
Posted under News

MechWarrior Confirmed for PC and XBox360

mechwarrior-project-20090708041909110-000Everything Old is New again as the Mechwarrior series goes back to the roots of the franchise in the year 3015.  Dust off your old favorites like the Warhammer, Atlas, Jenner, and Rifleman.  This is even better news then I had anticipated.  I love the new look and the new direction.  (That and any excuse to kill some Dracs is a good one.)

Development is still in the very early stages as Pirahna and Weisman search for the “right” publisher.  In fact, many times over the course of the interview Mr. Weisman talks about the potential budget and how that would effect the final product release.  So after much excitement, we are left to wait and see what is left when the dust settles.

The trailer we see was built on the Unreal 3 engine and is a working concept and not in-game footage.  I get the feeling that this two day publicity stunt while adored by the fans (this one included) was meant as an advertisement to capture the attention of publishers with deep pockets.

For the time being, too close to call.  I’ll be watching the news and taking notes as more develops.

Best Quote from the Interview

All of a sudden when the whole family is wiped out in the opening salvos of this war, he’s got to put the beer down and pick up the responsibility.

Posted under News

A New MechWarrior Game in the Works?

Is this a new Mechwarrior video game in the making?

Those banners in the background sure look like Davion banners…

That foot sure looks like a Fafnir Battlemech…

That maroon/grey color scheme sure looks like the Republic of the Sphere…

The teaser is apparently from Piranha Games, a Vancouver based video game maker whose credits include Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (XBox, PS3), Need for Speed (PSP), and Medal of Honor: Heros 2 (PSP).  In development games include two apparently craptacular titles for the Wii, The Hunt (a hunting game) and The Strike (a fishing game) sure to delight children for all of two hours before falling into the bargain bin.

From the Pirahna Games website, we know that their programming HQ has three stations, each with an independent (yet interconnected) art, programming, and level development expertise.  With the release of Revenge of the Fallen and two Wii titles in development, it is not that far a stretch to assume that the one remaining station is working on a new title.  Perhaps even a now viciously rumored MechWarrior game.

The Transformer title seems the most obvious segway into a new ‘Mech filled game but many questions still remain.  Pirahna Games seems to have a penchant for platform titles.  I would be disappointed if we were going to get a new iteration of the MechAssault line that is platform only.  I’d prefer a title that had the reach of a PC title.  Perhaps though my initial inclination is flawed and a XBox release would have a bigger splash.

The other pickle in the whole deal is the rights to such a concoction.  We know from recent news that Smith and Tinker, founded by the infamous Jordan Weisman, obtained the right to the Battletech electronic IP from Microsoft and promised to “surprise and delight old fans while welcoming new fans to these fantastic worlds”.  What better way to surprise us old Battletech vets than to deliver a new game worthy of the MechWarrior title?

Time will tell but I am excited.  I’ll be watching the news rather closely for any tidbits of this new title.  Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.  Are you ready for a new Mechwarrior or MechAssault title?  Would you be dissapointed if it were platform only?  Lets start talking!


Jordan Weisman and Pirahna President Russ Bullock will reveal the truth to all this Thursday at 12:01AM PDT according to an IGN news post.  The answers are coming…

Posted under News