ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


Battletech Painting Competition – Take 2

Remember that painting competition I wrote about earlier?

Well it seems myself and one other person submitted entries.  Ouch.

The competition sponsor was kind enough to offer us a miniature of our choice just for participating.  I politely declined.  I’d rather that miniature be used in the next contest when there is a good turnout.  Something tells me that will be sooner rather than later.

Something to Think About


See this miniature?  It was the very first miniature I ever painted.  Notice the grainy texture all around?  The obvious brush stroke on the right torso?  The far too light to be noticed cockpit color?

The thing is nobody is perfect.  Everyone has to start from somewhere.  I’ve much improved since this humble little Spider.  Regardless, I’ve always felt a sense of pride when I was able to plop one of my own painted miniatures on the tabletop to play a game.  Even if the painting wasn’t perfect, it was mine.

You can only get better if you practice.  And now is the perfect opportunity.  You see, that painting competition is going to be restarted.  Clean slate people.  Anyone can enter with any Battletech miniature you can paint up between now and the contest deadline.  Now is as good a time as any to work on those painting skills.

Posted under Minis, News
  1. Adam Easykill Said,

    as beginings go – that aint bad at all. My first mini was when i was 8, a plastic ultramarine that i tried to “paint” with permament markers!!

  2. Chris Tobey Said,

    It looks great for your first minature! And similar to Easykills comment, the first mini i attempted to paint was a marine and i used paint markers, cant say it looked nearly as good, and i didnt even bother priming it!