ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


Chaos Campaign Warchest Calculators

Fresh from the new forums, we have some new tools for Chaos Campaign enthusiasts.  One of the strengths of the Chaos Campaign system is the streamlined calculations that get into and out of tracks.  Still, given opportunity and ample free time, we have found a way to make life even easier.

Bedwyr has done some great work crafting an online javascript calculator to convert between Warchest Points, Support Points, and CBills.

Inspired by such efforts, I took it upon myself to cook up an offline version in Java.  This app should work on any machine running Java in the event that you are caught without an internet connection.

Please leave some comments if you can find some improvements or bugs.  Links are provided below.

Posted under Articles
  1. Bedwyr Said,

    Thanks for posting! I like what you did with the java version. Remind me to send you updated code so it properly rounds numbers off.

  2. Brian Said,

    Not a problem! Thanks for doing the hard part and coding the javascript!

    Shoot me any updates over PM or via email and I’ll be sure to post up the refresh.

  3. GreyWolf79 Said,

    I cannot wait to use this… I can always use something to make life easier. Awesome idea guys.