ScrapYard Armory

A BattleTech weblog


Cold Wars 2009

Cold Wars 2009 is in the books and it was a great one.  There were plenty of ‘Mechs being smashed all weekend long. I’ve got some great content lined up and am anxious to share with all of my readers.

Lawyers, Guns, and Money: The Mistake

Look for a full after action report from this fast paced and popular scenario in the near future here at the ScrapYard!  The Lone Star Company faces off against Redfields Renegades after a terrible misunderstanding pits the two Inner Sphere mercenaries against each other to avenge an apparent wrong.

Coming Soon!

Other Classic Battletech Events

Demo Agent “Speck” and company held many events throughout the weekend including the Fall of Hesperus II, The Demise of Delta Company, and Damnation: Luthien 3074.  Every event was well attended and provided the opportunity for any convention goer to take a shot at reliving Battletech history.

Sadly I could not make every event.  Other priorities like food and the occasional non-Battletech game (gasp!) take precedence.  Here are a few scattered pictures from some of those events.



The Grinder and Demo

Both the grinder and demo games were once again very popular.  I ended up playing quite a bit in the Grinder between games or whenever I had a spare hour to kill.  There was a steady stream of players at the Grinder all weekend long.  A great showing for Classic Battletech!

The demo table likewise was full of new players playing Battletech for the first time.  Nothing says convention like blowing up your first ‘Mech!


The Painting Competition

As part of the bring in painting contest, I entered my 15th Lyran Regulars Warhammer.  The competition was fierce.  There were a lot of deserving miniatures this year, far more than I saw last year.  I am pleased to say I managed to take Third Place among the Single Figure Other category.

The best in show for the event happened to be my very favorite and I just had to share the quick photo I took while it was on the judging table.  I forgot to get the artist so if anyone happens to know the painter send me an email so I can give credit for this great miniature.


Iron Wind Metals

Iron Wind brought all of the newest Battletech miniatures including several resin kits to Cold Wars.  I picked up a HPG grid resin and pewter kit and I have to say it looks great.  Look for a terrain post using the HPG later on this month. coldwars2009iwm

Many Thanks to Go Around

My thanks go to Mark “Speck” Yingling and everyone who helps him out during the Con for putting on another great show.  There were plenty of games and lots of amazing moments as Lasers Missiles and Cannon shells flew all weekend long.

Also thanks to Iron Wind Metals for not only attending but helping support the Classic Battletech events by providing product vouchers.  Always a welcome treat at any convention.

Posted under News
  1. wemic9 Said,

    Gotta say that it was an awsome weekend and even though the pic of the warhammer is great it just doesn’t do justice to how awesome it look in person

  2. Adam Easykill Said,

    Congratulations on the third place dude

  3. Brian Said,

    Thanks a lot guys. I think it’s great to get some exposure for Battletech in these kinds of competitions. From what I overheard during the Con, we should expect to have a few more entries next year and also at Historicon!
